Friday, November 19, 2010


Life is wasted. Seriously. Not to be a downer, but check out this stat I was made aware of by my best bud yesterday. If you sleep 8 hours a day(Average) for your entire life, you miss out on 1/3 of your life. If you are currently 18 and reading this, on average you've really lived 6 years less than that. So you're like barely 12. Grow Up you prepubescent adolescent.
What about this. There have been studies done with people in isolation. They are separate from anything or anyone that could hint at the time and they were asked to try and keep track. What they discovered was that consistently after two or three weeks all humans faulted back to a specific daily routine. Only the difference between their day and our day is that theirs consisted of 25 hours!! So... point is our bodies need 25 hours and we're given one less. So we're always trying to catch up and just can't succeed! This is why if you take a nap during the day you stay up late. Because we push for that extra time.
Is it possible to control our dreams? I submit it is. Have you thought about something while falling asleep and dreamed about it that very night? Can you imagine the potential of being so cognoscente in your sleep that you could learn or progress? We could have programs design specifically to teach the piano while you were sleeping. Or to learn advanced calculus in your dreams. Or to write poetry. Or any other worthwhile awesome thing. I believe it's possible. Just maybe not yet. This life is about learning how to grow and progress. I believe that in the life after this we will be able to grow at a more rapid rate due to the ability to think.... specifically in our dreams. Great are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to make them come true.


Daniel Merkley said...

Oh ya. I leave in 12 days.

Kristina Wilson said...

Daniel, when is your farewell talk?

Daniel Merkley said...

it's next week.

Kristina Wilson said...

haha. yea. i just found out. but that's exciting! I'll be there! :)