Thursday, September 23, 2010

Paying the Price

Tonight I blog. The substance: Dreams. I could write about dreams all night and still not talk about half of what I want to. Feel free to ask me about some of my weird ideas about dreams. Miya, I spoke to you 1 transfer ago about some of my theories with regards to dreaming and our thought processes. Tonight, I speak only relating to a quote I've tried to live my life by.
"Happy are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to make them come true." It's meaning is very simple I think. You will be happy if you have goals and work to achieve them. But, I'm a slight bit depressed at the moment. What if we've payed all we can, and it still isn't enough to make our dream come true? What happens when you've done everything you could and it still isn't enough to achieve your dream? Was your dream flawed? How do we know what dreams and desires are worth pursuing? Or is it better to choose unsuccessfully and fail? What if "Paying the Price" begins to interfere with other aspects of your life that should not be interfered with? What if the success of your dream is determined by the choice of another and this other cannot be persuaded? Oh, how failure feels. How do you find another goal to work on after you've failed? Questions from the reaches of my soul. But the one greatest of all, What if when we achieve our goal we're not happy? When is the price too expensive?